World of Warcraft players are stocked up on snacks and ready to go hard on the Dragonflight launch Leave a comment

The launch of a new WoW expansion is nearly here. In less than 24 hours, tens of thousands of players will spew into World of Warcraft: Dragonflight for all-nighters and gaming marathons. For this sort of undertaking you need passion, will, and lots of snacks.

And so the internet is ablaze with the hauls of food and drink every true hero needs when taking on a new expansion from day one. We’re talking about a vast stretch of different options, from the respectable healthy spread to the classic fizzy drinks and crisps. Some are even getting wasted.

“Snacks for my ~24h Dragonflight release session tonight. Will it be enough?” writes Twitter user Mareyasei, who posted their mix of candy, fruit, and a trusty energy drink online. While they maintained balance in their snack choices, others went all the way to the green and sensible side of things like EsuMonk, who went hard on fruit, juice, and low-cal finger food.

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