Riot Games and Ubisoft team up in AI research project — using player chat logs as training data Leave a comment

Ubisoft and Riot are collaborating on an anti-toxicity research project, which will focus on collecting in-game chat logs as training data for AI algorithms. Both companies are set to release their findings from this data next Summer, at which point future steps will be decided.

Speaking to me via a Zoom call, Wesley Kerr, director of tech research at Riot, and Yves Jacquier, executive director of Ubisoft La Forge, both shared their goals and long term hopes for the project. Hailing it as the first of its kind as an open research collaboration in the field of AI between two gaming companies, they hope the learnings published next year will be the first step in the industry’s effective use of AI as a tool in reducing toxicity.

According to Jacquier, the project has three main goals. First, to create a shared data set network, filled with fully anonymised player data. The second, to create an AI algorithm that can work off this data. Finally, for this partnership to act as “prototype” for future industry initiatives against toxicity, encouraging competition and further strides in the field.

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