Fallout 76 to introduce playable ghouls for the first time in series history in early 2025 Leave a comment

Fallout 76 is set to introduce playable ghouls as a standalone update coming in early 2025, in what’ll be a first for the series. Yep, all those years you’ve spent in Appalachia dreaming of being exempt from worrying about radiation, you’ll have the option to bring them to an end soon.

It’s a cool time for Bethesda to be introducing this in 76, given how much everyone loved Walton Goggins’ ghoulified presence in Amazon’s Fallout TV show, the second season of which is already in the works. It’s also fitting because, in addition to being able to rock his outfit right now, a lot of Appalachia’s most hardened veterans probably feel like they’ve amassed just as much wasteland weathering as Cooper Howard by this point.

Once the update drops, you’ll be given the chance to play as a ghoul via a special quest that’ll become available once your vault dweller hits level 50 – obviously if you’re one of the many players who’re already well past that point, it should hopefully pop up from the get go.

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