Top 5 games we want on the real-life death VR headset Leave a comment

In a brilliantly on-brand move, Oculus VR headset creator Palmer Luckey has created an explosive headset designed to kill the wearer if they die in a video game.The famous VR engineer has not worn the helmet himself, of course, as he’s scared that it may accidentally trigger and blow his head off. However, we believe there’s some merit to this idea in the modern world of video games.

To prove it, we’ve written out the five games we think would be really enhanced by Palmer Luckey’s mind-blowing VR headset. Let’s be real, it’ll never happen. This headset will ever actually go anywhere (at least, we hope not), but it’s a fun thought experiment to consider which games will be enhanced with that IRL threat, nonetheless.

It’s 3AM. You’re down 50LP in platinum and you’re running it down midlane for one final game before calling it a night. You’re a Zed main, because of course you are, and it’s up to you to carry the game on your back. You get to lane, hit level 2 first and press your advantage, going in for the kill.

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