Mick Gordon releases tell-all statement on Doom Eternal OST Leave a comment

Mick Gordon, the composer for a variety of AAA video games including Id Software’s Doom series as well as the upcoming first person shooter Atomic Heart, has released a tell-all statement about his time working on Doom Eternal. A lengthy, piece, it goes in-depth into claims of intense crunch, months without pay, mismanagement, and a lengthy legal battle.

For those not in the know, Doom Eternal’s OST was released back in April 2020 as a clearly muddled product. We covered this back then with lengthy feature, but it was clear that a breakdown between Mick and Id had taken place. Now, three years after an open letter written by Marty Stratton at Id Software laid much of the blame on Mick for the OST’s quality, Mick has come forward with his own side of the story.

Gordon’s Medium post (which we highly recommend you read in full here) covers a variety of issues he claims to have experienced during his time working on Doom Eternal, as well as in the months and years following the game’s release. This includes crunch, with Gordon stating: “ I worked straight for months, desperately trying to stay on top of things, and each week seemed to bring a new set of problems”. Gordon claims this was made worse by being cut out of meetings, unanswered emails, files being auto-deleted and information being withheld.

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